Data Analysis – Snapshots of an Excel Evangelist

< 1 min read

I ran the data analysis using Microsoft Excel for activists yesterday afternoon for P@SHA and Sheba Najmi’s Civic Hackathon. Was caught in the act by P@SHA Saira Khan at T2F with P@SHA, T2F, Pring and 70 others attendees as witnesses.

Organized on the 6th and 7th April 2013 as a first attempt to use our collective technological brain power to solve our cities minor and major problems, the event is still going on at T2F.  I escaped yesterday after just being caught cross eyed on camera by a whisker.

Post session realized the need that exists for half way decent training that marries advance excel tools, data analysis basics and some statistical and application domain knowledge that we take for granted.


Thank you Sheba Najmi, Jehan Ara, P@SHA, T2F and Sabeen for the opportunity to present.