risk training

Finance Training Courses at the Capital Club, DIFC, Dubai, UAE

9 mins read Short half day and full day format applied and corporate finance training courses coming soon to the Capital Club at DIFC in Dubai (UAE) and locations in Abu Dhabi and Al-Ain in collaboration with our DIFC Partners, Kinetrix Limited. Courses cover a range of hands on practical topics from treasury risk to project finance, from interest rate modeling to understanding commodities risk.

Quant Training Videos: Value at Risk, Option Pricing, Monte Carlo Simulation and N(d1)

2 mins read If you want to go ahead and build your own Value at Risk (VaR) model for equities, currencies, commodities and bond, check out the Calculating Value at Risk Course below. Within the calculating VaR course we walk through VCV (Variance CoVariance) and Historical Simulation, Portfolio Value at Risk and VaR for Fixed Income securities.

Finance Training Videos – The Online Quant Crash Course comes to town – Quantitative Training for the non-Quant.

4 mins read If you have ever been in love with a spreadsheet or a pricing model; or hated your 18th run of Hull without understanding a word of it; or needed a spiffy answer to a question posed by our beloved Howard Corb, just so that you can make the right impression, the Online Quant Crash Course (for the non Quant?) is for you. Rather than limiting ourselves to PDF and excel files we decided to play with Finance Training Videos, the new home for online video based quantitative training.