Risk Training Courses – Celebrating 1 million page views

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Finance Training Courses celebrates 1 million page views

One point one million page views and just over eleven hundred orders. Doesn’t sound like much in this day and age till you factor in that the page views are on posts related to derivative pricing, risk limits, treasury operations, pre settlement risk and Monte Carlo simulations. Risk training is not exactly popular social pages.

More interesting is the fact that the site didn’t exist three years ago and in that time frame has added 850 posts, 350 pages, over a hundred study guides, excel risk models & templates. Most of the posts and pages are available for free browsing and are created by two authors, both Fellow Society of Actuaries who have specialized in the risk and treasury domain. The paid material is primarily in the form of PDF study Guides, Excel models & templates & video courses.

Here are some brief statistics:

Finance Training Course.com Top Ten Countries Unique Purchases – Where do the orders come from?

Who buys our content, which cities source the bulk of our traffic and how do people find our site?

Finance Training Course.com Traffic – Top Cities – Who reads it?

Finance Training Course.com Traffic by Sources & Mediums. How do risk students find the site?

Finance Training Course.com Top Ten Traffic countries by number of visitors

The largest chunk of our customers come from the first world. Predominantly North America and Western Europe at a territory level. When we break the numbers down by country and region, the third largest group originates from the Far East.

What do our US customers look like?

Here is a snapshot visitor profile from our Analytics data set and QuantCast profile.

Compared to typical US customer profiles, 30% of our US origin traffic earns more than US$100,000 a year in income. For US customers the internet average for the same bucket is under 20%. Similarly 31% of our US customers have completed graduate or post graduate education. The internet average is 14%.

From a ethnicity perspective, 70% of the traffic is Caucasian, but our share of Asian origin customers is double the US internet average.

Finance Training Course.com Top 10 Countries – Stickiness measured by page views per visit

But it is not just first world customers and $ in income that drive the site!

Beyond the commercial aspects, our original vision focused on creating and sharing enough free content for individuals who did not have access to top notch financial or risk modeling training content. Over the last three years we have seen a consistent concentration of emerging and less developed market customers on the site. They viewed as much as 150 pages per visit and spent up to 3 hours per visit. Sometimes new content is created based on requests from such customers – “You have a great Value at Risk wite up, could you also do one more on the different flavors of VaR?”

Finance Training Course.com Top Ten Countries – Stickiness measured via visit duration or time on site