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Sample Counterparty Limit Proposal

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Product Details
Course Type: PDF download
Files Included: 1 PDF
No. of pages: 44

About the Course

The course consists of a sample Credit Appraisal and Counterparty Limit Proposal Document for a local Pakistani bank. The document presents the following sections:

  1. Financial Institution Credit Appraisal summary showing capital adequacy ratios and rating agency ratings and the recommended credit limit proposed
  2. Executive summary giving an overview of the bank analysis, peer group analysis and sovereign analysis conducted
  3. Bank’s Profile
  4. Bank’s Shareholding and Management structure
  5. Credit Ratings from Rating Agencies including their reasoning for assigning these rating
  6. Sovereign ratings including the reasoning for assigning this rating
  7. Financial analysis including an analysis of the financial statements (auditor’s report, balance sheet analysis by amount and % of Total Assets, trend in balance sheet items, earnings analysis by amount and % change over last period, trend in P&L statement items), and peer group and banking sector analysis
  8. Commentary to financial analysis for total assets, liabilities and equities, advances-to-deposits ratio, contingent liabilities, related party transactions, capital adequacy, net income for the year, returns on assets and equity
  9. Advances and Non-performing assets analysis including trends in NPL, industry wise share of NPL, NPL provision coverage, net NPL to advances ratios, and sector, geographical, foreign exchange exposures/ concentrations in total advances
  10. Business plans of and recent news regarding the bank
  11. Sovereign outlook including socio-political outlook and macroeconomic indicators
  12. Conclusions – Key risks identified for the bank after the analysis
  13. Annexure – Board of directors and key management personnel profiles, past and projected balance sheets and profit and loss statements, credit exposure details, country/ sovereign outlook details, peer group and banking sector analysis details

Learning Objectives

After taking this course you will be able to:

  • Prepare and present a credit appraisal and counterparty limit proposal document


Familiarity with basic mathematics, statistics, EXCEL, financial statements, credit process, limit setting and capital adequacy regulation

Target Audience

The course is targeted towards intermediate users and is aimed primarily at individuals responsible for credit appraisal, limit setting, credit risk management & capital allocation within banks, insurance companies, mutual funds, as well as finance departments of non-financial organizations.

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