Give me one moment in time…

2 mins read

So its going to be a tough day tomorrow.

We come as judges and mentors representing our own countries but the brilliance and hard work of APICTA nominees, companies that pitch and present in our categories, touches us irrespective of our nationalities.

You can easily tell my age by the fact that I actually like Whitney Houston (please don’t hold that against me, I also like Celine Dion; add Dixie Chicks to the mix and its three strikes and you are out). You can also guess the state of my knees as an ex, overweight, out of shape, out of breath track and field contestant who after an hour long walk on the beach has to be carried to his room. It’s difficult for me to believe that twenty years ago with the same legs (and knees) I could run the mile in under 5 minutes.

For me nothing brings the spirit of APICTA closer to home than this timeless classic by Whitney Houston.

While this post started as something that I would dedicate to the Pakistan delegation given all the hard work we have all put together as a team in putting up a good show at APICTA. The last two days have been really special since it was an honor to work with such a strong, committed and worthy contingent. But by the time I came to these lines I had to change my mind and the dedication.

APICTA would never be possible if it was just us. It has always been a team effort across the 22 countries that form the association, ASOCIO and the APICTA EXCO that make the rules better and tighter every year, the 160 nominations that compete with their hearts, the 50 judges who judge and mentor round the clock and the hosts who put up with our tantrums, put the show together and make it happen…

Irrespective of how hard we try (and this is not just our delegation) some of us will win and some will lose. Its the essence of the competition. So when the results are called out tomorrow I just want you to remember one thing.

You flew the flag, you gave it your best shot and you have already made us proud. Remember that one moment in time when everything you had worked at came together. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; for that one 25 minute slot you were the center of universe for all of us.

You were free and we loved you for it. Your time will come again. Thank you for making us a part of your dreams.

3 thoughts on “Give me one moment in time…”

  1. “You flew the flag, you gave it your best shot and you have already made us proud. Remember that one moment in time when everything you had worked at came together. It doesn’t matter if you win or lose; for that one 25 minute slot you were the center of universe for all of us.”

    This is another way of expressing it

  2. After viewing your first day pics the first thing can came to my mind was MashAllah u r looking younger πŸ™‚ This is in response to the content of the initial paras πŸ™‚

  3. Representation takes talent & strength alike and the delegates are from only the best of us. Regardless of how things turn out, I’m confident that they’ve set the stage for success for both the country & themselves. Salute!

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