Selling derivative products to treasury customers: The Treasury Marketing Unit Training series

This course is divided in two parts covering three main themes. In the first part we cover some common Treasury transactions and Treasury client reactions to products and strategies on offer. And in the second part we present an introduction to vanilla and exotic derivative products and trading strategies:

Selling Derivative products training course introduction

The transactions discussed in the initial session include FX Forward Sale & Purchase transaction, Bill Discounting, Money Market Forward Sale & Purchase transaction and Forward Rate Agreement. We also look at how the exposure for each of these transactions may be estimated. We then consider the common reactions the clients will have to the products such as controlling downside risk, reducing cost, structured protection, yield pickup and arbitrage plays:

Treasury Training – E-learning course: Introduction to Treasury selling and the TMU function

The second part of the course begins with one of the most important tools in the arsenal of the Treasury salesman- the payoff diagram. The payoff diagram helps in understanding the structure and benefits of various vanilla and exotic options. Payoff profiles for forward contracts, call and put options are discussed:

Treasury E-Learning: Dissecting Treasury products with payoff diagrams

Next we look at exotic contracts to answer and provide solutions to some of the initial reactions of our Treasury clients. They include the digital contract, barrier option, Asian option, look back option, quanto option, chooser and compound options, ladder option, etc:

Treasury training – Selling exotic options to corporate treasury customers

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